Wednesday, February 18, 2004

quick read...

finally got around to reading a book that i bought at the national archaeology conference, when it was held here a couple years ago. the book is titled, "Tunnel Kids." a really short read, it's an account of a group of homeless teenagers in Nogales, Mexico. the cultural anthropolgist who spent a few summers conducting this study, paints a fascinating portrait of street kids - the b&w pics really give the characters distinct voices - who, despite drug addiction, general crime, teen pregnancy, etc., still are able create a cohesive family amongst themselves in a sometimes hostile environment. sure, they're kids, but their sense of community is only different to ours by its elements. much of their poverty and splintered lives would just be unbearable for many Americans; they just 'make do.'

the book that i've been reading here and there is "The World Is Burning"'s a chronicle of Chico Mendes, one of the most vocal rainforest activists of Brazil. he was assassinated in 1988 for simply wanting a better life for his fellow rubber tappers.

in the first fifty pages of the book, the author gives a brief history of the rubber industry in Brazil and how hordes of people were drawn to Amazonia in hopes of 'slaving' for a couple years and returning home with enough to retire on. of course, that's the same parallel story of the American gold rush. the gov't wants to populate some of the wild, uncharted lands. sounds good. however, only in the most idealistic manner. no ever tells these prospectors that they'll be victimized by corrupt bosses...may perish from disease...or even survive the trek there.

and after reading some of the accounts of old prospectors and the corrupt practices of land grabbers, i can see why socialism is so appealing to poverty stricken populations. these poor people dream of being equal, working hard, and having something to show for all that sweat. now, we all know that socialism would be a good model of government if everyone were honest and bureaucracy didn't exist. however, it has failed miserably in every attempt because of some greedy motherfuckers. but hey, it's just a fatal flaw of the human race.

it makes me want to rant BIG time. in fact, i just erased half this posting because i went off on a lotta topics...and starting making no sense whatsoever ;) so, i think i'll just finish the book and see if i can rent the movie (that was adapted from the book, The Burning Season.

what am i blogging for...i got readin' to do! or sleepin' ;)

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