Monday, May 03, 2004

cat poop...

it not a pretty sight, nor is any animal coprolite.

i'm stopping by a friend's house a couple times a day to check in on her cat while she's in Greece. his feline highness, Nimbus, is a 17 lb. behemoth. he's thirteen or fourteen, is charcoal colored, missing a few teeth, but is a pretty easygoing cat.

it has been awhile since i watched a cat for someone. my brother, steve, had a psycho diabetic cat that was pretty much incorrigible. that was the last time i 'cat sat.' so Nimbus is a breath of kitty litter fresh air...

and yes, i have an aversion to picking up or cleaning up poop. i can handle blood, but there's something about a hot, steamy log that makes my face wrinkle up. ah well. better dry and dusty from litter clumping, than freshly wet and slimy from the big guy not reaching his pan in time. poor thing. i wonder if he feels a bit embarassed.

must be nice to have yer poop scooped on a daily basis...

yes, yer highness. a tummy scratch and a can of food before you let me leave your kingdom for another day...

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