Saturday, June 05, 2004

another fifteen...

i think i´ve gotten into the habit of trying to post something worthwhile in a span of fifteen minutes. i get on the computer and tell myself to blog, even if it´s for that amount of time.

back in madrid... i think i blogged from Cadiz last. Cadiz was interesting. an old seaport town that´s one of the oldest towns in Spain - established by the Phoenicians in 1100 B.C. the streets are narrow and the cobblestone is slick. and as i posted before, it is really laid back. places of business take a true siesta between 3:30 and 6:30, only the tourist places open during those times.

hah, i just realized that i last blogged from Ronda...well, you needed some more info on Cadiz anyway ;)

anyway, it´s good to be back in madrid. the two days after ronda were spent in sevilla, where it was 95 degrees the whole time. jeez, the breeze didn´t kick in until about 8:30.

yesterday, we spent an afternoon in the cool confines of the Mezquita. you always see pictures of this phenomenal building, but never imagine seeing it (in person). unfortunately, after 500 years as a mosque, ceilings were built above the arches by the christian church. i admit that it´s nice and cool (if not a bit dark), but i wonder what it looked like all open...

we spent the last two days on the AVE (high speed train). it´s a bit expensive, but it´s worth it if you want to save time; a two and a half hour bus ride to cordoba from sevilla takes only 45 minuts on the AVE and a 5-6 hour trip to madrid is cut in half. unfortunately, i think the AVE is only to a couple points from madrid for now. they´ve been talking about one to Barcelona...but that´s all it is.´s been about 14 minutes, so i better wrap it up. more to come later tonight or tomorrow...

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