Wednesday, November 03, 2004

you cain't always get whatchu want...

and i want that big eared smirking chimp outta office. gawd, we are so screwed... we can only hope that he can't possibly do any worse the next four years. gee, mebbe he can add another zero to that half trillion dollar deficit; seems like the biggest deficit is between those massive ears...fu-uck!

other than that, at least everything else i voted for...passed. i'm really psyched about FasTracks. it's something that we should have tried to implement about ten years ago, when the population started exploding around here. we are in such need of a rapid transit system. i only wish we had some super fast trains like the bullets in japan and europe; riding the train between Madrid and Seville was so cool...and smooth. look at the subway system in mexico city - cheap, fast, and convenient. trust a metropolitan area with about 20 million people, driving is a TOTAL nightmare. their Metro is one of the best things about the city...

hey cindi, what about those Jeffco voters? i cannot believe that they finally came through on the school bonds and mill levies? i bet you had a total sigh of relief this morning when the numbers came out...yay!

best thing about today being the 'day after' more freakin' ads. hallelujah! hell yessssssss.

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