Thursday, March 31, 2005


i know my past couple postings have been nothing short of confusing...sorry.

still no news on the lady that i rear ended last week. luckily, she consented to me paying out of pocket if it ran less than $400. she said that she'd try to get estimates from three places and we'd go from there; i haven't heard from her since. i'm guessing that i call her on sunday or monday if i don't hear from her tomorrow.

mole hole?

over the past two weeks, i haunted the mole hole in cherry creek during its relocation sale. the first time i went (with lois), the prices were 50% off and we bought a few small things. i closely paid attention to what lois liked but declined buying; the best thing to do when shopping for future gifts. so, the second time i went was immediately after my breakfast w/ Cindi (who was so nice to buy...thanks...the company was awesome!). that was when i purchased the nicer looking clock and some cute things for my oh-so-pregnant sister - a baby blue clock that has the words 'eat, sleep, poop, cry' in place of the hour markings and a stuffed crane with a cap that says 'special delivery' and a baby bear(!) in the blanket.

this last time i went - yesterday morning - i took advantage of the 75% off and grabbed a couple clocks worth $90 retail and paid a paltry $22.50...whee. of course, the prize buy was a tiffany style lamp that was going for $245 - yikes! initially, when lois and i were there, i was praying that one of the four lamps i was eyeing, would still be there at the end...and whaddaya know! one survived the sale carnage and was waiting for me; saving another $61 was just icing on the cake.

this lamp is similar to the ones that you can find at LampsPlus for the equivalent, but the shade is glass! not the cheapo resin that adorns some of them... i am truly happy with this purchase and i'm pretty sure that lois will be delighted. i only say 'pretty sure' because i was wrong this past xmas with an item that i ultimately had to return. still a good batting average after eleven years...

whoops. gotta go. although we're not going to the Indigo Girls concert like Cindi, we've got tix to MargaretCho at the Buell Theatre. curtain is at i'll be back...eventually.

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