Wednesday, December 17, 2003


a pimple just has come up to visit the world. it's at the bottom of my right nostril, just near the curve of the septum. i HATE getting a zit there...argh. not only is it easily irritated when you blow yer nose, but it hurts SO bad when you want to pick at it or kill it when it ripens. you know...the teary eyed, ow...shit! fukfukfuk oh, just forget it! beating yer head against the wall may just make you forget about it for a couple minutes...once the dizziness subsides.

yes, there's not much to blog about other than the 'Best In Show' zit that's brewin' right under my nose. nothing like exciting, titillating reading...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

glad the weather is gonna warm up a bit today. think i'll take the car into Discount Tire to check the balance. when i went to pick up my mom and uncle at the airport on Sunday, my steering wheel started vibrating some as soon as i reached about 60-70 mph. i'm just hoping that it may be an imbalanced wheel that can be righted easily. KNOCK ON WOOD. sure, something needs to be fixed - just make it cheap, please!

later, i'll probably go and hang out with my friend, Chris. he and i have been kinda brainstorming possible gift considerations for my sister, Susie, whose birthday is xmas day. i already got three small gifts for her...but there's still more shoppin' to do. sometimes, i wish she'd start an Amazon wish list - much easier although less surprising.

maybe i'll head over to the Wal-Mart for a bit and see how i can help the tyrannical price leader and human rights violator profit even more. yeah, i know that it's an evil company, but they're better than Walgreen's, with whom i have a huge bitter grudge. besides, the Super Target near my house closes at 11PM. btw, is Kmart not doing the open 24 hours a few days before xmas? the regular Kmart by me is usually open until 10PM. a couple years ago, i was spotted there a few times after midnight, filling my shopping cart with all kinds o'crap.

cheap gifts...

anyone been down the King Soopers seasonal aisle lately? they're selling some really nice xmas mugs and cookie plates for 99 cents! not only are the designs cute (there are four of them), but the quality is good too. no cheapo mugs that'll chip or break if you dinged it against the microwave. these ceramic wonders are thick and heavy. fill 'em with candy...tea bags...votive/tea light candles...and you got a thoughtful $2 gift. i go! mmm...mebbe some evil drive-thru food on the way there heh

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