Tuesday, January 24, 2006

fweezin' part two...

although it's not that cold outside, it's downright frigid in here. ya see, we've had stronger natural gas smells lately in the basement. turns out that the 80 year-old boiler downstairs needs to go. however, before they put in that beautiful 95% efficient replacement, someone has to chop it up and remove it...along with the asbestos. oh joy...

even more titillating is the cost - $9440. i don't know how much the new model is, but i do know that there's more work than meets the eye. the boiler is a huge cylinder...roughly four feet wide by six feet high. it's set upon a cement pedestal (which will be removed) and is a major eyesore. so, once all that is out, they're gonna replace it with a unit that's wall mounted and about the size of two computer towers.

bi-iig difference.

it's too bad that this house isn't heated by a furnace. don't they run $1500? ah well, hot water heat is nice too...

it'll be so weird to have space in the boiler room. we're gonna have to call it something else though...mebbe the all things flammable room. after all, there's the xmas tree and wrapping paper all jammed into the corner.


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