Thursday, March 23, 2006

sore eyeballs...

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i've been playing this game lately and it has me completely hooked! it's very much like Boggle on CD-ROM. think of a tetris-like word game. you make words and more letters come down. sometimes, there are bonus letters that glow green or yellow. other times, red letters rain down. if you let them reach the bottom, the poor bookworm gets torched and you're finished. also, for the scrabble fan, there are bonus words that you can try to build. the first one starts at 1000 points and grows to 50,000, where it plateaus. still, for those who relish in scoring big points, that's the way to fulfill (my) greedy tendencies.

it's a time waster, but at least your mind is in constant motion. there is only so much surfing a person can do...

anyway, with a little patience and nerves of steel, you can rack up some serious scores. at first, most games were lasting me about an hour. however, this last one probably took 3.5 hours. i was really level headed...i didn't panic and waited for the opportune time to get the bonus words when they materialized.

after staring at the screen for 210 minutes, i was rewarded with a score of 1,172,120 and a twitchy left eye. i wonder how long it'll take me to fall asleep. i bet i'll dream of glowing letters...falling out of the sky ;)

damn word game...

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