Tuesday, December 02, 2003


nothing going on here. just some time out to blog a bit, considering i haven't done enough of it the past month...

lois is taking a bath, relaxing away the gym time she spent before she came home. she has been working out at a women's health club called 'Curves' for the past month, 3x a week. nothing like a soak after some physical exertion...

it has been awhile since i had a sit down bath. when i was playing v-ball more than a couple times a week, it was always good to have a nice hot bath with some epsom salts or Johnson's Foot Soap to try to convince the aches and pains to go away. it's just too bad that all that hot water totally dries out my skin; it seems like i can never use enough lotion.

also went to see a movie at the cheapies with my friend, Cindy. you remember, she's the one with the Tom Hanks story (see blog from 7/29). anyway, we went to see 'Once Upon A Time In Mexico.' lotsa gunfire and explosions. star power too. not only were Antonio Banderas and Salma Hayek in it, but Johnny Depp, Ruben Blades, Danny Trejo, Willem Dafoe, and even Mickey Rourke (who looks very old and tired) were in it as well. i read that although the movie was actually finished in 2001, the release was pushed back to this year. perhaps some of it had to do with rescheduling the shooting of some scenes w/ Hayek so she could finish filming 'Frida.'

sure it was a bit loud, but it was well worth the fifty cents ;) before the movie, they were showing the trailer for 'Underworld.' not something that i wanted to see for half price - let alone full - but for fifty cents... besides, i think Kate Beckinsale is a fine actress. has anyone seen 'Cold Comfort Farm'? she plays the lead role of Flora Poste. i know that she's in Laurel Canyon (w/ Frances McDormand) too, so maybe that'll be the next rental.

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