Thursday, April 22, 2004

dad is improving...

he left the hospital on tuesday and is now at a rehab facility near the house, less than five minutes away. since he's only been there three days, no one is quite sure how long he'll be there; it'll depend on his progress with the physical therapist. we'll find out more when we go to a meeting tomorrow afternoon, although i'm thinking one to three weeks.

nevertheless, i can tell you that he's looking much better than the three days in the hospital. he was able to go for two short (PT) assisted walks today...his color is better...his demeanor is more 'dad-like'...and he has at least six people checking in on him during the second shift (3-11 PM) - an LPN (Amaelia), PT (Lila), three aides (Ruby, Elsie, Novela), and a phenomenal nursing student named Jo. if he gets some attention, enough food, and some time to watch AMC and ESPN, dad's one happy camper.

sure, the food ain't great, but it's filling and more than edible. my brother, scott, was telling us horror stories of another care facility (food-wise) that his mother-in-law had to endure for four weeks, after she had a knee replaced last year. we've already asked dad what chinese stuff he wants us to sneak in while he's there ;)

yay...i forgot to mention that dad'll get a haircut on saturday, which was skipped when susie had to take him to the hospital last saturday. yep, he gets a free haircut and shave during his stay. good thing because any member of the Wong family with bedhead is truly a traumatizing sight...

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