Sunday, April 18, 2004

missed opportunities...

bleh. missed all four Margaret Cho shows at Comedy Works. i knew she was passing fact, it was announced on her webpage three months ago. i put it off...forgot about it...put it off some more...until i called yesterday and found out that the non-smoking show was sold out. double bleah. i considered going to one of the smoking shows tonight, but i knew that lois would be hatin' it (you know how vehement ex-smokers get when they're around cigarette smoke ;).

so...i reconsidered and foolishly attempted to call and see if there were any seats left for tonight. of course, Jared, who handled my call, informed me that both shows were now sold out. at least he kept a straight face and didn't wildly cackle on the phone...

dad is in the hospital again. all week, he's had bouts with dizziness and a bit o' sweating...more sure signs of a minor stroke. so, back to St. Joe's it was... this time, they're going to adjust/change his medications and he'll have to stay in rehab for a week, which should benefit him. poor dad. he's too cute and funny to be in a hospital bed.

i know i was going to finish the story about our dinner with yani...i just don't feel like it. let's just say the jekyll side of it was from trying to buy gas on Sheridan. DON'T go to the quickmart-type convenience store on colfax & sheridan...especially at 11PM. the guy behind the counter is a super muthafukkin' asshole who needs to get his teeth kicked in...whattajoik. ooh, i wanna wish some bad things on him...grrr.

and watch out for the Sinclair station on 10th? 12th? although the east african owner is very nice, there's a super annoying, preaching, tattooed, punk ass kid in his early 20's who thinks he's Jesus. it would be amusing if he didn't get in yer face and call you names. funny, he's not the tolerant JC that we read about. methinks someone was either tripping on some crazy stuff...missed a dosage of his medication...or both. what a loon!

gawd! WTF happened monday?!? people, full moon isn't until the 4th! why don't you go back to your holes until then...geez!

tuesday was better...

went to bob & wanda's. i think i mentioned them before... wanda went to grad school with lois. she's the one who worked for the CIA in Greece and was duped into saying, " Thank you for coming tonight. Did you enjoy the food? I sincerely hope you fart all night..." by a Greek co-worker who volunteered to help (wanda) with some Greek phrases and farewells.

anyway, their daughter just left for Chicago yesterday. she's on her way to Bulgaria for her first Peace Corps assignment, so we had a little going away dinner for her.

for appetizers, we munched on hummus, pita, tzatziki sauce, crackers, and pistachios. dinner was a massive portion of Nicoise salad. and dessert was simply strawberries and coolwhip. not the fanciest of dinners, but shore convenient since we didn't have to lift a finger ;) we did bring a huge bottle of german wine tho' - crisp and slightly sweet.

what a great visit! we're hoping to visit Kirsten before her two years are up; Bulgaria is not exactly yer usual american tourist destination ;) i think i'm gonna do a Lowa and start a blog for her...and then we could all hear about her two-year Bulgarian adventure. yeah!

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