Tuesday, July 27, 2004


i sent this earlier via e-mail, but it didn't post. lookee...

i'm seeing if this really works, so bear with me. is it me, or has blogger.com been changing some things around? derbs and rachel had mentioned that the special toolbar was nowhere to be found. so, i thought i might take advantage of blogging from my email.

are you all seeing this? yes, i can't believe it either...after an 11-day hiatus of blogging slothness, i have put something down. can we call it blogger's block?

you know, i think i may stop talking about the weather in my posts. it seems that the last two times i did this, something odd came over me and i stopped blogging for more than a few days. bad weather...figuratively. it is a nice day though. temps in the high 70's, topping out in the low 80's...er, never mind.

so what has been happening in this boring life?

well, lois did get her other cataract removed. she's looking at ten weeks without corrective lenses. i guess that's how long it takes for the new lens to work out its kinks in yer eye. although lois thinks it's great to be able to see better, we're still not out of the woods. but hey, we're talking about going from a -9.00 in nearsightedness to like a -1.50, which is a HUGE improvement. this means no more $400-$600 glasses and gas perms. nope. she can now partake in the '2 pairs of glasses for $59' and even soft contacts...yay!

in other news, my good friend, James, was in town with his wife (Jenny) and two children (Isabela and Emilio). they spent last week attending his sister's wedding and catching up with his old hometown; James left Denver for the Army in 1989 and ended up in Germany, the first Gulf War, Kansas (where he met Jenny), the D.C. area, and now Memphis...where he has been a civilian for a few years.

it's always super great to see James. we've known each other since 10th grade and have been lucky enough to remain good friends regardless of the miles that have separated us. whenever he's in town, usually for work, he gives me a call for dinner or drinks. with any luck, he and the clan can move back to Colorado in five years. that is, if they can afford it; the house they have in Tennessee cost them $117K...which is about half of something comparable here. save up, guys!

argh! it's hard to believe that August is on the horizon. where did the summer go? what did i NOT get accomplished...everything. ah well, i guess that's what summers are for heh.

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