Saturday, July 03, 2004

i dunno...

but i sure haven't felt like posting lately. i just've been very bleah. i bet you've all experienced this blogging apathy before - even the good bloggers. so, i hope you understand; i never intentionally abandon this thing ;)

went to the Soopers tonight and collected some stuff for a makeshift picnic...a couple sammiches, fruit salad, a black eyed pea salad (called California Caviar - is it a Texas thing? 'coz i've NEVER heard of it), some olive medley (green and kalamata), and a couple bottles of water...and headed over to the City of Brest Park, where we noshed and waited for Glendale's annual firework display; we consider it to be one of the best in the area.

there were some beautiful colors and even a new shape that we had never seen. sure, we've all seen the big chrysanthemums, the ellipses (or are they just circles?), etc. but have you seen the two stage swirl? it was basically a swirl design that split up into a bunch of squigglies, like a bunch o' fireflies...very cool.

the show lasted about 20 minutes. i'm sure it mesmerized many of the drivers along Colo. Blvd., distracting those in the turning lanes and even causing a fender bender during the finale, which was pretty intense. all i remember was, green, orange, yellow, purple, white, blue...and then they shot a bunch of white, followed by all red. nothing like a fireworks finale; never fails to give me goosebumps.

afterwards, we stopped at the Blockb*ster in Belcaro and rented Matchstick Men and The Business of Fancydancing.

we watched Matchstick... first. it was good...very much in the style of 'The Spanish Prisoner' and 'The Score.' not quite as good as the aforementioned, but still worth a rental if you're a Nicolas Cage fan. i know that he can be over the top, but Cage is a great character actor; this time he's the protagonist with some major OCD issues with hygiene (a la Jack Nicholson in 'As Good As It Gets'). funny though because Cage is supposed to be some sort of clean freak and yet he smokes throughout the entire movie. talk about irony ;)

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