Monday, August 16, 2004

top of my head...

i am right knee is giving me fits. i just about collapsed into the driver's seat when i left the park yesterday. argh. i'm supposed to play tonight too - we'll see.

found something on eBay that i had been eyeing for some months now. in the past, this item was going for about $ i'm considering myself lucky for only having to bid a bit more than half of that price.

right now, lois is contemplating bidding on a couple books, but we're wondering if we'd just have better luck at the local goodwill or sally (the one that had its book inventory regularly wiped out by Nelle). one of the titles is quite a common one so we'll probably have no problem. as for the other, it may just be easier to check it out from the library and read it for free ;)

speaking of books, you know that i'm a horrible sucker for bargain books - anywhere. well, is having a major sale right now and i'm doing whatever possible to avoid going to the site and having a looky-see. talk about torture...

anyway, i've been trying to get back on track with some of the books that i got right before we went to spain. one book from that batch was 'I Remember My Teacher.' it's a quick little read that's basically short anecdotes from people and their memories of teachers who made the most profound impact on their lives. it's such a great book that i may get a couple more copies to pass on to the two teachers that made the greatest impact on me. is that weird? maybe that's my way of expressing gratitude for my priceless education...

last year (2003), i went over to ParkHill Elementary and surprised the principal, who was retiring, on the last day of school. see, i didn't attend that elementary, but the retiring principal was my 1st grade teacher... i thought it'd be nice to show up with some roses, a card, and a couple pictures of me in field along with my first grade school photo. needless to say, she was utterly surprised and even remembered me. i hope the visit stuck with her for a couple days because many of the things that i learned from her during the '76-'77 school year remain with me to this day. Thanks, Mrs. Adams...

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