Tuesday, January 31, 2006


just waiting for the boiler guys. they didn't quite finish yesterday...but they did get a lot done. friday, the removal of the asbestos and boiler dismantling took about four hours. after those guys left, the install guys were here for another two and a half. yesterday, four guys worked straight through between 9 and 5. hopefully, today they'll get done before noon. of course, i don't know what work looms today...

if anything, it'll be great to have heat for the first time in 11 days. we've been cranking the space heaters and burning lotsa wood in the fireplace. it's funny because we have about thirty logs that have been stacked in the backyard, uncovered...baking...soaking...drying..., for at least three years. our friend, Beto, dropped it off and we had been cursing him ever since.

ha...those babies have saved us.

we had forgotten how nice it is to have a real fire. the prefab logs that you buy at the store don't give off much heat since hot embers aren't produced. you get a firestarter (made of chips pressed in paraffin) and a few logs going - you're all set.

now, what to do with all those ashes...

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