Tuesday, January 17, 2006

in a rut...

maybe this will get me out of it.

Five Weird Habits/Quirks

1. Although Dr. Pepper and Coke are my preferred brands of soft drinks, I must have root beer when I'm eating pizza.

2. I can't stand having a dirty windshield or driving someone else's car with one.

3. Whenever I eat steak, I usually cut off five or six pieces at a time.

4. When I'm on the can, I must have something to read. Okay, mebbe that's too much information ;)

5. I have two rings on my right pinky finger. On occasion, I'll twirl them out of habit. If I've set them down and forgotten to put them back on, I'll feel a bit out of sorts when I want to twirl them and they're not there.

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