Friday, January 27, 2006

not quite...

looks like i've got a few more minutes to blog...lois is on the phone with her sister.

if you haven't already noticed, i've added some cities to weather pixie because...

Ushuaia is the southernmost town in the world, which we hope to visit this november (if) we go to Argentina.

Hollywood, FL is where my eldest niece, Natalie, lives. she's gonna deliver the first great grandchild of the family this july...whoa! i simply CANNOT believe that i'm gonna be a great uncle!

Abilene is the (major) town closest to where Lois was born in Texas. we're supposed to go to Coleman this may for a 60th wedding anniversary. we were last in that area of texas in 2002 (when the Hayman fire was raging here) for a (now traditional) family reunion.

Santa Fe is where my friend, Antonio, works. He's the curator of ethnography at the Museum of Indian Arts. We were drinking buddies in the 90's...who systematically terrorized the national anthropology meetings from '95 to '00. he's still terrorizing, but with charlie cambridge and ruben mendoza now (and they wrote the book on anthropological terrorism). that's okay though. seems that i've dropped out of the anthro circle/network...

1 comment:

J Alan Erwine said...

I feel old. Last time I saw Natalie, she was just a kid....