Tuesday, January 17, 2006

gluttony huh?

a food meme...

1. What's your comfort food? Either chili dogs or braunschweiger sandwiches. Boxed mac and cheese with a can of tuna is a close third.

2. What's the most you've ever eaten? I once had ten slices of pizza and two salads at a Pizza Hut when I was 21 or 22. I'm not sure if that's equal to the 16 tacos and two quesadillas I scarfed at a taquería in Guanajuato, Mexico in 1998.

3. What's your favorite restaurant? I'm not sure if i have one but I can tell you that my favorite type of food is ethnic. Of course, buffets are always good.

4. What's the grossest thing you've ever consumed? It's a tie between a vietnamese duck egg (the embryo is pretty well formed and is swimming in its juices) or a huge purple pig's foot sandwich in Cholula, Mexico.

5. What eating habits disgust you the most? Smacking lips or nose blowing at the table make me homicidal.

1 comment:

J Alan Erwine said...

I can remember some horrifying eating experiences with you in high school!!!