Friday, August 15, 2003


finally have something to talk about. whaddaya think about the massive power outage in the Northeast? Denny has already posted his professional take on the blackout. yeah, i think the majority of people out there are pompous asses about most things until they are in dire need of something. it's really sad because in my typically spiteful fashion, i just want to dangle it in front of them and ask, "How does it feel to NEED? You jerks need to be more appreciative of life's conveniences."

Lois has two immigrant friends who are truly thankful of what they have. One is Ethiopian...she often drops this line, "Be thankful of the small things because if you're not, you won't get any big things." Amen.

The other friend is Romanian and works for Denver Water, policing the offenders. Anyway, a couple times, these fools have not been very nice to her when she has to bust them. Usually, she takes the high road and calmly gives them the lowdown and why...with an ounce of patronizing attitude. Still, she has to bite her tongue and grit her teeth (but not simultaneously ;) on occasion because she would really like to go off on these water wasting boobs. If it were up to her, she would take them to the village that she grew up in, with a well that often ran dry. She remembers some of the hardships of not having water...even dredging up mud to try and get some moisture from it.

This brings me to the topic of the watering schedule to which 'good' Denver citizens are stringently adhering... I think it was a mistake for Denver Water to allow one more day of watering. Why don't we really conserve and build up the reservoirs to capacity? Was there really that much pressure upon them to weasel out and give in?

There's an irony to this 'extra day' that was provided. We're trying to save water right? Just restrict the times of the day that you can water and limit the duration. Well, mathematically, this three days a week is allowing us to water two to three days more in a month than with the old 'every three days' rule. For example, looking at this month, we can water thirteen times. On the discarded schedule, it was only eleven times. Yeah, that's gonna save us a lotta water...

The restrictions that were administered last year in Walsenburg were quite effective. Wasn't it a moderate fine for the first offense...a large fine (like $1000) for the second...and water supply shut off for the third? Now, that really sends a message.

I am big time grateful for our water. Denver water is WAY better tasting than many other metropolitan areas in the U.S. Chicago water? ick... L.A.? double ick with an UGH thrown in.

Okay, I'll admit that I'm most grateful for our water supply because it allows us to use as much TP as we need and flush it too. In many other countries, they lack wide pipes (hafta deposit the paper into the trash can, which may already be brimming with wonderful stink)...sufficient water pressure (nothing like a floatie)...or plumbing altogether (you'd better have good aim in Chala, Peru).

Sure, we've all gone camping and done our business in the wild...or in sweltering, sunbaked outhouses...but that situation has always been temporary; knowing with relief (both literal and figurative) that our shiny porcelain havens with favorite reading material and fragrant deodorizers awaited us.

Whew! Is it me or has enduring this blog made you both thirsty and pooped (heh)? Be nice now... Dumb humor is my caffeine!

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