Sunday, August 24, 2003


i'm really trying to make a concerted effort to blog more...and i'm still failing miserably. perhaps i look at daily happenings as too mundane, looking for a 'true' reason to blog. however, i think the daily blog sometimes gets the juices flowing and 'masterpieces' occasionally follow. now, if i could just get out of the blogger's block that has my brain in a haze... itchy...must scratch (not there you pervs!)

the long wednesday survey has turned into a histamine aggravation-fest for me. i actually wore shorts to field, which is a stupid idea if you're in montane environs. the risk for poison ivy, ticks, and eeeevil scratches lurk with every step. luckily, i only sustained one evil scratch right under my left knee and some assorted insect bites. and yes, i did slather myself in insect repellent, but i've never come back unscathed; i've become used to being the only 'Chinese buffet' for miles when i'm amongst the bitin' bugs.

the only thing that is driving me crazy right now is a massive horsefly bite that lies under my right ear, on my neck. the knot is just a notch under pulsating. i have these absurd thoughts of it bursting in the middle of the night, spilling out a nest of maggots that have merrily feasted on my neck. just makes me squirm...

the survey did go well though. in a nutshell, a fight has been waged between two local homeowners and the City of Boulder, which owns a parcel of land that will become open space with a large parking lot. the bitter grapes stem from the location of the proposed parking lot. the most logical place for the lot is a wee bit too close to their houses; the locals want it to be moved further down the road and with some special reservations, which aren't very feasible.

anyway, we met people from both was one huge ass-kissing affair. each faction wanted us to side in their gleeful backstabbing. too much! we contract archaeologists are there to only give our opinion and recommendations. if they want to hash it out, i can bring the boxing gloves and mouthpieces. as for the low blows, they're on their own...'cause we ain't supplying the athletic cups ;)

my boss and i will have one more day to check things out though. he's going to submit a preliminary report later today. and tomorrow, we'll follow up on some of the flakes and building foundations that we came across on wednesday. gawd, it would be nice if they would let us drop a few test pits. i loathe surveying, but it's the first step in checking out a site for its potential. you can't dig without surveying first...

so, it's back to field tomorrow, WITH a pair of pants! and mebbe a raincoat... another thing i don't like about surveying...getting caught in a rainstorm (with crackling lightning) and looking down at yer hands...which are holding metal flags and electronic equipment...FUN! would you like to be the medium rare ribeye or the well done brisket? if you hold onto everything a bit longer, you can play the role of charcoal briquette! it's like the parting gift from HELL - fry, burn, boil!

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