Wednesday, August 02, 2006


beautiful...but glad i can view one in the comfort of my home.

Australian meteorologists have been observing the formation of nacreous clouds over Antarctica. presence of these rare clouds, which are low-lying and only seen in extreme latitudes, usually indicates global warming. granted, the earth has been in 'warming mode' for thousands of years...the industrial age has just quickened it (probably exponentially). nacreous clouds are rare because they're only formed when the air temperature (between 5-10 miles of stratospheric elevation) is less than -112 F. guess i'll never see one while lying on the beach in CancĂșn ;)

very cool (no pun intended) though. i wonder if this pic gives the phenomenon any justice. i bet it's even better if i were there...and freezing my ass/lips/eyes/balls off. nah. i'll just rely on the internet for the nacreous experience.

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