Tuesday, August 29, 2006


might just make it after allllllllll. yep. we've been watching the first season of this show. somehow, it's not as hilarious as when i watched it as a kid...and the issues are certainly dated, but it is SO cool looking at the clothing and decor...very much an anthropological study of mainstream american culture in the 70's. correct me if i'm wrong, but doesn't still hold the Emmy record of 29 wins for any series (comedy or drama)?

argh. the knee is still bothering me. after a week of icing it and two acupuncture sessions w/ needles and moxa heat, the edema has finally diminished 70-80%. i know my volleyball season is over :( i just hope my playing days aren't. isn't it funny how you inject all these silly ideas into your head and tirelessly replay worst case scenarios in your mind...only to find out all your so- called overreactions were, in fact, justified? i hope i'm wrong in all of this because i dread any sort of surgery. nevertheless, if it's necessary...what can you do?

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