Monday, August 07, 2006


ugh. i played ball yesterday, as usual. and i'm a bit sore knee and hamstring-wise. so what am i gonna do? go out and play in half hour ;) gotta do it. volleyball keeps me five pounds lighter and that much more creaky. besides, september's gonna be here before we know it and the first snow as well...which i dread.

actually, my playing volleyball tonight is in celebration of my presence not being needed for jury duty tomorrow. last month, the city of denver finally instituted a system, much like jeffco, in which you check to see (the night before) if your juror number is in the pool of numbers chosen for that day. my number was 3811, which was outside of the range #464-3444. whew! this is so much better than going down to the courthouse and waiting for your number to be called...and enduring the process of jury selection...only to be sent home (which is fine by me) a good six hours after your scheduled 8:30 arrival.

it would have been nice, however, to have that winning powerball ticket. even with the cash value of $82 million, i think i could find a way to spend it ;) even if i gave away ten percent of it to my friends, there'd still be nearly $74 million left over.

man, we would go on one AWESOME trip! to which archaeological site would you like to join me? we could go to Machu Picchu...

or Tikal...

or even Ankgor Wat...

i've been to Machu Picchu twice and Tikal three times, so you could have a little personalized tour. however, Ankgor Wat would be new for me too. just make sure you've got yer hot little passport ready when we go :)


cb said...

Can't we go to a beach in the Caribbean?

J Alan Erwine said...

We're only a few years away from the first space tourists, so orbit would work for me!!!