Thursday, October 23, 2003

low carb...

although i would never go on a low carb diet - i'm too much of a wimp (puh-leeze, telling a chinese guy that he can't eat rice...themz fightin' words), my friend has been forced to go on one after suffering a heart attack and undergoing bypass surgery. not a good thing for a 35 year-old.

anyway, he told me recently that he was losing clumps of hair due to this diet. supposedly, this is a common occurence for many people on low carbs... that doesn't sound good either. then again, i guess it's better than keeping the weight and just waiting for a fatal heart attack, eh?

hope the friend is doing well. we go back about ten years. one day, we got talking in lab (washing pot sherds...whoohoo!) and found out that we had a mutual friend and interests. we became partners in crime and best friends until he moved back to New Mexico a couple years later. yeah, we're still best friends, but it's sometimes hard to be good about staying in touch when miles and busy schedules separate people...

been telling stories lately...i got a great one for Halloween. before then though, i think i will blog about the 'Bonampak Death March.' STAY TUNED

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