Tuesday, October 07, 2003

you never know...

what you'll see in the middle of the night.

started a new v-ball league in Thornton for my friend, Barb, whose teams i have played for (on and off) seven or eight years. we played two matches tonight and only won two out of six games. ah well. it was still an okay result since half the team had never played with one another. next week, we will KICK ASS...right ;)

anyway, the thing that i saw which opened my eyes tonight happened while i was on my way home. i had stopped at the nearby drive-thru for some eeevil chili dogs. as i pulled away from the window and out into the parking lot, i saw butt...a fish belly-white one...like the full moon that will be upon us in a couple days.

there was a gal who was just getting up from a squat, bare-bottomed and all. she was being helped up by a guy standing in front (of her). i guess she REAALLYY had to go. maybe he was just shielding her from the passing cars on the street. too bad he left her exposed to the drive thru customers. who knows, maybe they were drunk. heck, for me to be brave enough to pee near a busy street and in the corner of a well-lit parking lot, i know i would hafta be shitfaced.

i'm not casting stones because i'm sure we've all been in situations like that. there's nothing wrong with having a weak-willed, bursting bladder moment. it just sucks when you discover an uninvited audience ;)

and from the 'thank God no one busted me files'...

lois and i were at Calakmul in 1997. Calakmul is a Maya site in the state of Campeche, Mexico that was at its peak in the seventh century. as many as 50,000 people may have inhabited the city...pretty good for 1300 years ago! only in the last 20 years has major reconstruction been carried out at this huge site. since then, archaeologists have located and mapped over 6000 buildings!!!

anyway, we were climbing Structure XIII...enjoying the view...when my bladder decided to play a cruel joke on me. of course, it started talking to me right when i reached the top! thing is, you can't just run down a 100' pyramid to take care of business. besides, i knew i couldn't make it in time anyway. so...i let 'er rip!

luckily, Calakmul is not a well-known site - even now. six years ago, it might've averaged fewer than 100 visitors a week...nothing compared to hugely popular Mesoamerican sites such as Chichén Itzá or Teotihuacán, which may see a couple thousand visitors every day. so we were in little danger of other people watching the crazed chinese guy take a whiz off a pyramid. and luck had it that the guards weren't in the area and the majority of the workers were busily trying to raise a massive 10' stela in front of Structure II that day. or was everyone just at the chili dog stand at that precise moment...heh

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