Monday, January 19, 2004

and what am i still doing up at this time...

i dunno. you tell me.

well, the only reasonable answer is...snackin.' yes, i've spent the last hour shelling roasted peanuts...shoveling handfuls of popcorn down my gullet...and finishing that all off with a few glasses of water and a banana applesauce.

still need to return those vids. i guess that's the real reason why i'm still up. and looking talk about humid! the fog is pretty fierce out there. when i looked out the window a few minutes ago, i had a double take because i initially thought it was snow!

so, it's off to the Blockbust*r drop box i long as the fog doesn't have John Carpenter written all over it. didn't Stephen King also write a kooky story about a killer fog too. correct me if i'm wrong, but i think it was the first story in Skeleton Crew.

fun news before i go...taking my niece (Elizabeth) bowling after i get off work later today. 3-hr unlimited bowling at Elitch Lanes - for $7!!! now, if you ask me (or even care), that's some MAJOR whee! then again, it could be the peanuts and popcorn talkin' ;)

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