Sunday, January 04, 2004


i've been sitting here, contemplating going upstairs and taking a shower or blogging. it has been such a lazy day. the paper has been read...dishes have been dirtied...W.A.S.P. is playing on my computer...and i'm typing some re-eally exciting stuff here ;)

saw that Laura spent two hours composing a blog masterpiece, only to have it unceremoniously erased by a merciless disconnect. don't you hate dial-up? i found myself ready to tear a couple walls down in the past few months too. you spend all that time racking yer brain for something relevant and it freezes and disappears...pisses me off to no end.

ugh. i know...i know. january in denver, the coldest month of the year. i am just not looking forward to the cold front that is going to sit its massive ass on top of the city for the next couple of days; it makes me want to do nothing but sit inside and avoid it all. makes me wanna go around the small villages in coastal spain...

that was the phrase last wednesday, when lois and i met our friends charlie and mike at a seedy bar downtown. originally, we were going to have a couple pitchers of Bud w/ 'em, but two crazy girls (we'll call them JB and AM) had joined them and things were looking bleak.

mike had mentioned to AM that we were going to Spain in May. upon hearing that, AM's eyes lit up and she proceeded to tell us about her visit to Spain when she was a child. it was a cool story. apparently, she was raised, along with seven other foster kids, by a wealthy M.D. and every year, he would take them all to Disneyland. he would also take one child to a foreign country every year.

when it was AM's turn, they went to Spain for a couple weeks, mainly in the Barcelona area and the surrounding coastal villages. well, after AM finished her beautiful story, she reminded us to 'make sure that you visit the coastal towns near Barcelona' ad nauseam. guess the Budweiser was finally getting to her. 'yes, AM, we know we should visit the coastal villages. if you remind us one more time, we'll be forced to shove yer beer mug up your left nostril...ok?'

she was pretty harmless though. now, her friend, JB, seemed to be the antagonistic type. i think she's a lotta big talk but can't back it up...and when there's trouble, i bet she lets AM do the scrappin'. i just did not want to be around JB - a total waste of time...and mebbe even space. so, that was when we headed over to the new Little India's on 15th and Champa.

i am going upstairs now...brb

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