Wednesday, January 14, 2004

one big one...

and one little one. yes, i'm talking about spiders here, folks. there's a teeny spider that has scaled the wall in front of the computer. it's moving pretty slowly - must be cold. and there's a big, really ugly one on the far wall. i am in such a mood to kill it, but too lazy to go over there and whack it. i'm just hoping that both are looking for the door; i'll even help them find it.

well, must go out to the airport for some auditing. i'm back at PCL this week helping out with certified payroll again. seems that the gal who quit just before xmas didn't finish everything...yeah. just going through some of her stuff on friday and yesterday, i found payrolls that hadn't been dealt with for more than two months. some were even from May(!). bet those people are thrilled. i'm surprised that some of the companies haven't called up, pissed beyond belief.

so, i get to fight the sun on my drive east. hope it's high enough by now...see ya!

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