Monday, January 05, 2004

freakin' cold outside...

well, i WAS going to take my niece bowling tonight. for the time being, Elitch Bowling Lanes has $7 unlimited (well, 3 hours) bowling on mondays. so, i guess it'll hafta wait until next week.

funny, i think as we get older, we must become less tolerant of the cold. i remember when i was about 19 and we had a massive cold front that was plummeting temperatures to -25 below. i remember it well because i sustained frostbite on both ears - too dumb to wear a hat while waiting for the bus.

the weather channel says it's -5 (-23 wind chill) at the airport right now. not too bad. surprisingly, we're warmer than Monte Vista, which is hovering at 3 degrees and no wind. not too often that we have colder temps than that area in the winter. we're all sittin' pretty right now considering that it's -19 (-35 wind chill) in Gunnison.

i don't know how people in Assamosa, Fraser, Gunnison, and Leadville do it. people who have lived in cold conditions for long periods of time claim that you just get used to it. my dad has stories of -40 temps in Alamosa when he grew up there in the 30's. forget it. i know i have mentioned it in a previous post, but my friend, Les (who spent a Navy tour in Antarctica), said your skin gets used to it; talks about going shirtless on the ship - crazy. you know, maybe i'm just a wimp ;)

all i know is, when it's -1 and humid outside, it's too cold to start the car to just go bowling. heck, even if i needed to go to the store for food, i'd miss a meal. in fact, when it's below zero, there's only one thing that i'd leave the house (for), a trip somewhere else. those who like to travel somewhere warmer in january know what i mean. isn't it gratifying to pack the car and head for the airport, knowing that you'll be in a warmer climate in a few hours? that is, if you're able to withstand the 'orange' level threats...puh-leeze.

right now, i'd gladly head to the airport if i were going to an the Turks and Caicos. i've never been there, but after reading an article about these islands in Caribbean magazine a couple years ago, the thought of going has stayed in my mind. of course, that means raising the $600 or so for the airfare and who knows how much for the et ceteras...

still, wouldn't you like to see this in the morning?

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