Thursday, January 29, 2004

bachelor night...

lois went to Divide to visit her goddaughters and their parents, who were once neighbors. so...i've got more time to blog and generally stay glued to the screen.

funny, there's a top sirloin in the fridge, but i have no ambition to cook it. so far, dinner has been a huge braunschweiger sammich...cherry licorice nibs...and a massive handful of shelled peanuts that we bought at Sunflower a couple days ago.

the peanuts, although not salted, were still roasted and quite tasty. kinda itty bitty though. they reminded me of spanish peanuts...about the size of yer pinky nail or a pencil eraser. are they just young peanuts?

had the liverwurst sandwich when i had to dole out the dog pills. Coco, the yorkie, has to take three pills 2x a day. one is for hepatic function...another is for incontinence...and the third is Cosequin, good for arthritis. Annie (silkie terrier) has to take Cosequin as well. at 13 and 11, their old bones need it...

re-venge \ri-venj\ vt 1: to inflict injury in return for (~an insult) 2:to avenge for a wrong done (~oneself)

what am i talking about? well, to distract the girls long enough for me to eat my sandwich, i got the bright idea of letting them split a pig ear; usually buying a half an hour of quiet eating. it works like a charm and usually without fail.

however, this time i nicked my thumb on a rough edge of the pig ear. strange, it's a tiny cut, just below my left thumbnail...but itches like hell. even after washing it twice and applying the Ne*sporin, the nick still stings. guess it's revenge of the pig ear - take that, you joik!

remember 'A Fish Called Wanda'? the vengeful pig ear reminds me of the scene when Ken (Michael Palin) is about to steamroll Otto (Kevin Kline) into the tar:

Otto: Oh look, it's K-K-K-Ken, c-c-c-coming to k-k-k-kill me!

and Ken rolls right over he had some pig ear to pick with him.

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