Wednesday, January 28, 2004

as you can see...

i'm taking a cue from my fellow bloggers. with the new year, i think some change was imminent, if not downright inevitable. while everyone is changing digs, i tend to stay on one until it's done heh. however, i thought i would change the title of my blog to Diggin' Travel. it's simply the easiest way to explain who i really am. ever since i was eight years old, i've had wanderlust...always wanting to see faraway places. sure, i still love digging...but i dig travel more.

of course, all of this odd thinking out loud may just stem from listening to Black Sabbath at 11:40 on a wednesday night, too... the bumbling, drugged out, Ozzy Osbourne that is so sadly (but accurately) depicted on his reality show was once a long haired, pot smoking, heavy drinking, heroin addict - the typical 70's rock god;) it's just not cool to emulate that behavior now.

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