Saturday, July 05, 2003


it's hot outside. i should be happy that summer has finally kicked in, but i never liked temps more than 85 degrees; working a summer in 110-120 degree heat cured me of that ;) the freaky optical illusions of the desert were cool though!

can't complain though. hot temps are still way better than shoveling three feet of snow or sharing the roads with reckless drivers who have NO idea how to handle winter conditions - assholes.

another reason for the argh is because of a mean tooth. a few months ago, i blew $1500 on dental work for a root canal, crown, a redone filling, and cleaning. now, i think i'm needing to have another filling redone behind the tooth that cost me so much. it sucks because i know people who totally neglect their teeth and they have few problems. sometimes, it's just stronger acids in your mouth (genetic), or you're a mouth-breather, or you're a tooth gnasher; my dentist makes fun of me, asking if i've been chewing rocks again...bastard. maybe i should punch him in the nuts as a reflex action. nah, he's actually a really cool dentist...and more affordable than most because he does all the work himself. he has no assistant nor receptionist, which keeps the prices down some.

gawd, time to find a job with insurance! i would be totally abusing those benefits! my dentist, chiropractor, and acupuncturist would be so tired of seeing me... it just sux being miserable because (sometimes) you simply can't afford it. regardless, i've got an appointment on monday. with dental stuff, it's better to bite the bullet and go early before it costs an arm and a leg. the lesson is usually learned with your first abcessed tooth...who the HELL would want to replicate that pain again?!? makes me think of the movie 'Pi'. anyone ever see it? in one scene, the protagonist ends up drilling a hole in his right temple because he is simply going crazy - like that's gonna help :P it isn't that graphic, but just the sheer thought of doing it...brrrr!

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