Thursday, July 10, 2003


since getting the site meter, i'm a bit obsessed to see how many visits i'm racking up. maybe it's good that the audience, although a tough one, is still relatively small. that way, i can get their eye-rolls over with...

i wonder how the more popular blogs deal with some of the traffic. what do you do with the insurgents? you know the type, trolls who have no lives. granted, it's yer site, but do you plain tell them to fuck off? or should it be done in a 'civil' manner? like, "Please get lost...DUMBSHIT."

it's times like that when i wish i had magical powers. yeah, i'm a spiteful person. however, i never (or rarely) wish physical harm on people...i just wanna inject enough venom to feel better ;)

for example, those who would waste my time and be plain belligerent... i would blink my eyes and 'ZAP' their computer would turn into a hunk of cheese - limburger - and all of a sudden, your fingers get stuck to the keyboard. oh, you're being an idiot from work? 'POOF!' your clothes disappear as you go to lunch with your 'buddies.' and yer eyes? i moved ' your ASS!

i'm bringing this up because someone i know posted about a somewhat controversial topic on her blogpage. there were some heated arguments...and a couple people were banned. so is it the content? should i just stick to innocuous (even downright insipid) topics? yeah. the lunch...the massive booger that is itching my nose to no end...

always throw in bodily functions/fluids...most people will act shocked, but will still laugh. come on, like you guys don't come down with a bit of booger-itis. puh-leeze. i don't want to get anyone riled up. i'm not here to pick a fight though; i've got better things to pick right now...

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