Friday, July 04, 2003

some cool (but crazy) news

didja hear? the defending world champion hot dog eater, Takeru 'Tsunami' Kobayashi, triumphed again at Coney Island (in NYC). granted, i was a big eater when i was in my 20's, but it's unimaginable how many dogs this guy can put away! even on a gluttonous day, i couldn't stomach more than four hot dogs in a sitting. this guy can pound 40-50 in less than 12 minutes!!! buns included! that's too terrifying! if anything, they won't need to embalm him when he dies. of course, if he's Buddhist, he'll be cremated. i pity the people who will choke over the Oscar Meyer-like smell...or will the ashes smell like ketchup and relish? this is such a pressing question...can anyone answer it? anybody? i must know!!!

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