Thursday, July 17, 2003

i'm melting...

so freakin' hot outside. i'm not sure if it's going to reach triple digits, but 97 degrees is plenty hot for me. how late is the monsoonal flow? the jet stream is supposed to change by the middle of July...argh

been grilling lately. like we want to turn on the oven... anyway, we've been using the smoker's pan with charcoal. nice stuff, but the smoky smell totally permeated the back room...which is in the middle of being painted...and the office, which has two budgies and two finches...who are just about cooked! i wonder if they're bothered by the smoke? i know that canaries and love birds have died from heavy exposure to deodorizers and cleaning solutions.

i'm still a little annoyed by the scrolling problems. so far, it only seems to have affected the browsers of Laura, Danelle, and Mary. this is not good because they're the aggressive, pro bloggers whom i want to emulate :) and since i probably only have six readers...50% unhappy will get me into trouble with the blogger god, OGM. i know he/she would banish me to blogger purgatory, but if half of people can't scroll, what's the difference?

btw, Dy...i know you want to get some Indian food before you go back to the Valley, but take out? unless there's a great place in Alamosa, i KNOW i couldn't survive four hours in the car with the smell of Indian food. leftover indian totally reeks up my car after 15-30 minutes in the TRUNK! Emma would get out of the car and walk back before you even got to Morrison! no, no. foods such as Indian, Vietnamese, and especially, Korean, are NOT meant to sit in the car. they double as mustard gas after awhile...ACK!

regarding the heat, i shouldn't complain because we still have it way better than other places. after all, when it's hot here, the humidity is rarely above 20%. i went to college in Missouri, with summers that were ultra hot and sticky...ick. i've worked in eastern Nevada, with temps between 115-120...small fits of delirium because you start seeing things like big white towers in the distance, or mountain ranges that don't exist. or Dallol, Ethiopia...from October 1960 to December 1966, the mean temperature was 94 degrees! for six years?!? 'course, some Ethiopians may tweak at the sight of snow or if the temps were to ever drop below 60 degrees. i know my dad had to adjust some when he moved to Colorado; he was used to hot and sultry southern China...he thought the sky was falling the first time he saw snow.

i think some banks and businesses should alter their hours in the summer. wouldn't it be cool to do yer banking or get your cleaning at midnight? i'm not saying all of the businesses, just a couple to accomodate night owls and heat escapers... wouldn't it be better on your car as well?

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